Perchfishers |
The Perchfishers is a relatively small, friendly group of around 100 perch anglers and specimen hunters. Our aim is to further the knowledge of the perch as a species, including the methods and locations for its capture. |
Angling Projects – Les Webber |
Angling Projects over the last 30 years has gained an enviable reputation throughout the UK as being one of the best facilities for groups of young anglers in the country. |
Barbel Catchers Club |
The Barbel Catchers Club is a small specimen group, dedicated to the pursuit of barbel across the rivers of Great Britain. To members the barbel is the prince of the river, a fish which demands respect and stealth to catch, yet at times with the right approach this majestic fish can give its self up with regularity. |
Chub Study Group |
Anglers Mail |
Fishing news covering carp fishing, specimen hunting, match fishing – and much more! For fuller coverage and more news read Angler’s Mail magazine every week. |
Littlemore Angling Society |
The River Angler |
The Gentleman Angler |
The Zander Anglers Club |
Official Website for the Zander Anglers Club of Great Britain |
Angling Trust |
British Carp Study Group |
Visit Thames |
Pike Anglers Club of Great Britain |
The Wandle Piscators |
We're a mixed-species, mixed-method fishing club based on South London's River Wandle. We're committed to helping this historic urban chalkstream come back from centuries of pollution and abuse. |
Association of Barbel Fishers |
Barbel Society |
The Barbel Society is designed to provide a link for ALL barbel anglers and to represent their interests effectively |
Fish Legal |
English Carp Heritage Organisation |
Osprey Specimen Group |
The Osprey Specimen Group was formed in Autumn 2003 following the dissolution of the RMC Angling Specimen Group. Our members enjoy pursuing specimen sized fish of most species, at all types of venues. |
Catfish Conservation Group |
Barbel Fishing World |
Morts Riverwatch |
Angling Times |
Welcome to angling's biggest website for coarse anglers, created by the teams at Angling Times, Improve Your Coarse Fishing and Carpfeed magazines. |
Reading and District Angling Association |
Urban Trout |
Get Hooked on Fishing |
We are an angling charity which helps provide positive opportunities for young people and communities. |
Anglers' Net |
The Wild Trout Trust |
The Wild Trout Trust is a conservation charity that stimulates hands-on, in-the-water projects, helping others to help themselves with habitat improvement in and around rivers and lakes. |
Little Windsor Fishing Club |
Soon there will be a new Angling Club…..Little Windsor Fishing Club (LWFC). This is based in Berkshire and the fisherys will be in or around windsor. This club and site will be launched to help and encourage more juniors into the sport. |
National Anguilla Club |
The National Anguilla Club was formed for eel angling specialists in 1962. It is one of the longest, if not the longest continuously running specimen groups ever formed. |
Fishing Magic |
Salmon & Trout Association |
Salmon & Trout Conservation is the UK’s voice for fish and water conservation. We are the only UK charity campaigning for wild fish and where they live. |
Carp Society |
Carpfishing UK |
River Anglers Conservation Group |
Are you a river angler? Do you have concerns regarding habitat destruction , water quality, pollution, abstraction, predation and a host of other issues that can have a detrimental effect on our rivers and the fish you love to catch? Then this is the group for you. |
Bad Angling |
Site aimed not only at people who are new to the sport of angling but also at more seasoned fisherman that has taken a short break from the hobby |