River Rythe pollution incident

The Thames Anglers Conservancy were alerted by a report on the Thames Ditton Residents association forum about a pollution incident on the river Rythe. The Rythe is a small tributary which rises near Oxshott and runs into the Thames, forming the boundary between Kingston and Thames Ditton.
The report followed an incident where a road contractor had pumped heavily silted water down a land drain which emptied into the Rythe.
TAC representatives met local residents and arranged access through a garden to the river and a very welcome cup of tea. Donning waders it was found that the sandy deposit had affected a 100m stretch, upstream was clear.
The residents had called the Environment Agency hotline on 0800 80 70 60 as soon as it happened, a list of what should be reported is published by the EA.
In the same area several build ups of debris caused by garden waste was cleared to improve the natural flow.
There was a surprise discovery of  Invasive plants Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam which were cleared.
The River Rythe is a hidden gem and like all Thames tributaries important to the biodiversity of the main river so needs to be protected.
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